The Go-To Podcast for Postpartum Moms Who Want to Be Strong and Confident Again! *****TOP 1.5% GLOBALLY-RANKED PODCAST***** Do you wish you could finally lose the postpartum pooch? Are you frustrated every time you zip up those jeans - again - and the button just doesn’t shut? Are you searching for the energy to work out, but each day feels like an uphill battle? Do you crave those sweet compliments from your husband, like “babe, you’re looking amazing”? I’m so excited you’re here, mama! This podcast will help you feel strong again after having a baby, especially in your core and pelvic floor. Through easy, simple, and safe workouts that you can do from home, you’ll gain confidence, boost your energy to play with your baby more, and feel incredible slipping into that favorite dress you haven’t worn since your honeymoon. Hey, I’m Jena - a physical therapist, wife and mama of four. After each of my pregnancies I, too, struggled with losing my postpartum pooch, low energy levels and didn’t know how to regain my strength back. As a fitness lover, I craved working out like I did before having all those babies, but found that my body just wasn’t cut out for high-intensity workouts. And without having healed fully from pregnancy, I was an injury waiting to happen. I finally realized in order to fix my mommy tummy and repair my core strength I needed to go back to the basics of my physical therapy training and work on my inner core muscles first. It all starts with the core! It’s the foundation. Over 6 years and 4 kids, I created a postpartum workout program that is simple, safe and effective using a step-by-step plan that enables you to restore your core strength and energy while getting rid of the postpartum pooch. I can’t wait to share it with you - because if I can do it four times, I know you can, too! If you are ready to finally regain your strength back through a quick postpartum workout program designed with the busy mom in mind…. Restore your core strength and lose the pooch in the easiest, quickest and safest way possible… Eager to return to your athletic, energetic self with consistent workout habits. And ready to build confidence and feel great in your skin again as a mom - this podcast is 100% for you! Roll out your yoga mat, girl. It’s time to do this! NEXT STEPS: Watch the FREE Postpartum Abs 101 Workshop: https://livecorestrong.com/class 👉Join my FREE Community: https://facebook.com/groups/livecorestrong/ Be a part of my 🌟VIP🌟 list: https://livecorestrong.com/join/ Get more helpful resources on the sister blog: https://livecorestrong.com Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/livecorestrong/ Watch on YouTube: https://youtube.com/livecorestrong/ Connect with me 💌 hello@livecorestrong.com ❓Need specific help with something? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/RUPd35ypnGh6T4bJA and then DM on Instagram @livecorestrong when you are done!

Thursday Apr 11, 2024
69 // Is Goal Setting Worthless? Atomic Habits Book Says Do This Instead
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Do you love writing goals? I do — a lot!
But when I read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, I was shocked to hear his take on goals and whether or not they are worthless.
Listen in on how we are supposed to set ourselves up for success when it comes to creating new habits and hear how I take the lessons from Chapter 1 and apply it to the new mom who wants to develop healthy fitness habits in her life. Is that you? Then you'll love this episode.
Atomic Habits Series (The ODD episodes): Ep. 61, Ep. 63, Ep. 65, Ep. 67, Ep. 69, Ep. 71, Ep. 75, Ep. 77, Ep. 81, Ep. 83
Join the free Facebook Community for Fitness Focused Moms
🌟 Enter The Giveaway for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card and a free 30-min Coaching Session with Dr. Jena during the month of April by Writing A Review
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Monday Apr 08, 2024
68 // This Will Dramatically Help To Improve Your Postpartum Recovery
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
What if I told you that the best thing you could do for your postpartum recovery was actually something you needed to do during your pregnancy? Well, it's true. If you plan to have more babies down the road, or if your best friend or sister is currently pregnant, this episode is for you. Listen in as I reveal the secret to a successful and speedy postpartum recovery — it all starts during pregnancy!
Read the blog: https://livecorestrong.com/how-exercise-during-pregnancy-helps-postpartum-recovery/
Get your Belly Bandit Postpartum Belly Wrap here in preparation for postpartum recovery and a quicker healing time: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=811984&u=2049964&m=62855&urllink=&afftrack=
🌟 Enter The Giveaway for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card and a free 30-min Coaching Session with Dr. Jena during the month of April by Writing A Review
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Thursday Apr 04, 2024
67 // How to Easily Wake Up 1 Hour Earlier to Work Out
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Do you dream of waking up earlier than you do right now so you can squeeze in a workout? It's so hard with your baby's irregular sleep patterns, but you know if you don't work out first thing in the morning, it's never going to get done. That's why I want to help you alter your morning routine so you can gradually find the time to work out before the day gets started, even if the workout is only 5 minutes.
Listen in on the steps you need to take in order to wake up 1 hour earlier to work out. Everything from this episode is derived from the book Atomic Habits and my own personal mommy experiences. You're going to love it!
🌟 Enter The Giveaway for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card and a free 30-min Coaching Session with Dr. Jena during the month of April by Writing A Review
Atomic Habits Series (The ODD episodes): Ep. 61, Ep. 63, Ep. 65, Ep. 67, Ep. 69, Ep. 71, Ep. 75, Ep. 77, Ep. 81, Ep. 83
Join the free Facebook Group
Join The Workout Challenge 👇
30-Day Ab Challenge + Calendar: Postpartum
30-Day Ab Challenge + Calendar: BEGINNER
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
Your maternity leave is over and now it's time to go back to work, but you don't want to give up your desire to work out just because of lack of time. Getting your pre-pregnancy body back, losing the baby weight, and getting stronger are all part of your postpartum recovery journey, regardless of work or no work. BUT HOW?
Listen in as we go into a live coaching call with Aileen, a mom of 2, who is just about to start back to work as a kindergarten teacher full time. She already has healthy habits in place but she wants to step it up a notch all while returning to work after maternity leave.
Dr. Jena creates the perfect workout routine for her as she navigates motherhood as a mom of 2 littles and is away from home for 40 hours a week. Plus Dr. Jena zones in on the best exercises specifically for Aileen at this stage of her motherhood.
If you are interested in a coaching call with Dr. Jena, please fill out this quick form and Dr. Jena will be in touch with more details.
Related Episodes:
Ep. 5 // When Is It Safe To Start Engaging Your Core Postpartum
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Can you imagine working out consistently for 90 days? You just need to take one step at a time. Sounds easy, but it's not. But the steps you need to take each and every day over the next 90 days can't be large leaps, they need to be small baby steps.
Listen in on our discussion about taking baby steps and how the book Atomic Habits explains why this is so crucial in our journey of creating habits. This episode applies the principles James Clear teaches us in his NY Times Best Seller, Atomic Habits, and how we, as postpartum moms, can help improve our healthy habits centered around fitness.
Important links mentioned in this episode:
Related episode: Ep. #63
Atomic Habits Series (The ODD episodes): Ep. 61, Ep. 63, Ep. 65, Ep. 67, Ep. 69, Ep. 71, Ep. 75, Ep. 77, Ep. 81, Ep. 83
Coaching with Dr. Jena form
Postpartum Abs Simplified course
Keep Smiling,
Dr. Jena
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Do you have Diastasis Recti postpartum? Yep, your pregnancy left you with a gap in your belly. You are not alone. And I am so proud of you for being here, listening to this show ready to learn how you can make a change - you are going to heal your core and shrink that gap. These 3 physical therapy exercises are going to help you get there. Let's go!
Related Episodes: Ep. 34.1 and Ep. 24
Postpartum Abs Simplified course
Diastasis Recti Closing The Gap course
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Thursday Mar 21, 2024
63 // The Habit Formula For Early Morning Mom Workouts
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Atomic Habits Series (The ODD episodes): Ep. 61, Ep. 63, Ep. 65, Ep. 67, Ep. 69, Ep. 71, Ep. 75, Ep. 77, Ep. 81, Ep. 83
Thinking about working out postpartum is just as hard as actually doing the workout itself. And having a baby in the picture makes fitness much more complex than it used to be. Take this Habit Formula and use it to simplify the morning workout routine of your dreams. It all starts small and with the principles we learned in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, we are one step closer to seeing the big results we want to achieve. Listen in as I map out the perfect Habit Formula for early morning mom workouts.
Keep Smiling,
Related Episodes: Ep. 61
⭐️ Write A Review - scroll down to the 5 Stars
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Monday Mar 18, 2024
62 // Should You Work Out During The 6 Week Postpartum Wait?
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
As a physical therapist, I give recommendations all the time, and this is no exception. Postpartum moms ask me all the time if they should work out during the 6-week postpartum wait. In today's episode, I reveal my answer and my reasoning behind it. I share with you my top 3 reasons why. It's not the traditional answer but I feel strongly as to why I suggest you should do this during the 6 week postpartum wait.
I want the best for you and your postpartum journey. Enjoy listening in as you hear my take on fitness and the 6-week postpartum wait.
Related Episode: Ep. #17
Read: How To Stay Fit During The 6-Week Postpartum Wait
Read: Should You Work Out During The 6 Week Postpartum Wait?
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

About Dr. Jena
Most new moms struggle to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Jena Bradley, a physical therapist and mom of 4, helps moms feel empowered to live that “fit-mom” lifestyle easily amongst the chaos of motherhood so they feel confident and strong in their own skin. Dr. Jena Bradley’s expertise is shared through her blog and YouTube channel, Live Core Strong. And now she has a new podcast, The Fit Postpartum Mom, where she teaches quick workouts for busy new moms, with an emphasis on core strengthening first before all else. She’s most known for her superpower, scheduling and routines. She juggles life with her 4 littles, volunteers at her church in the women’s and children’s ministry and continues to work as a physical therapist while running an Airbnb on the side. She does all this while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and growing her own online business. If you want to stay motivated, Dr. Jena will surely help you reach your fitness goals faster all while being a busy mom.