The Go-To Podcast for Postpartum Moms Who Want to Be Strong and Confident Again! *****TOP 1.5% GLOBALLY-RANKED PODCAST***** Do you wish you could finally lose the postpartum pooch? Are you frustrated every time you zip up those jeans - again - and the button just doesn’t shut? Are you searching for the energy to work out, but each day feels like an uphill battle? Do you crave those sweet compliments from your husband, like “babe, you’re looking amazing”? I’m so excited you’re here, mama! This podcast will help you feel strong again after having a baby, especially in your core and pelvic floor. Through easy, simple, and safe workouts that you can do from home, you’ll gain confidence, boost your energy to play with your baby more, and feel incredible slipping into that favorite dress you haven’t worn since your honeymoon. Hey, I’m Jena - a physical therapist, wife and mama of four. After each of my pregnancies I, too, struggled with losing my postpartum pooch, low energy levels and didn’t know how to regain my strength back. As a fitness lover, I craved working out like I did before having all those babies, but found that my body just wasn’t cut out for high-intensity workouts. And without having healed fully from pregnancy, I was an injury waiting to happen. I finally realized in order to fix my mommy tummy and repair my core strength I needed to go back to the basics of my physical therapy training and work on my inner core muscles first. It all starts with the core! It’s the foundation. Over 6 years and 4 kids, I created a postpartum workout program that is simple, safe and effective using a step-by-step plan that enables you to restore your core strength and energy while getting rid of the postpartum pooch. I can’t wait to share it with you - because if I can do it four times, I know you can, too! If you are ready to finally regain your strength back through a quick postpartum workout program designed with the busy mom in mind…. Restore your core strength and lose the pooch in the easiest, quickest and safest way possible… Eager to return to your athletic, energetic self with consistent workout habits. And ready to build confidence and feel great in your skin again as a mom - this podcast is 100% for you! Roll out your yoga mat, girl. It’s time to do this! NEXT STEPS: Watch the FREE Postpartum Abs 101 Workshop: https://livecorestrong.com/class 👉Join my FREE Community: https://facebook.com/groups/livecorestrong/ Be a part of my 🌟VIP🌟 list: https://livecorestrong.com/join/ Get more helpful resources on the sister blog: https://livecorestrong.com Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/livecorestrong/ Watch on YouTube: https://youtube.com/livecorestrong/ Connect with me 💌 hello@livecorestrong.com ❓Need specific help with something? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/RUPd35ypnGh6T4bJA and then DM on Instagram @livecorestrong when you are done!
![19.5 // Ask Dr. Jena! Questions From Postpartum Moms On How To Lose The Postpartum Pooch [Postpartum Abs Series]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/16219753/The_Fit_Postpartum_MomPodcast_Cover101024_z27gng_300x300.jpg)
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Today I dive into some of the most popular questions I get when it comes to my signature course Postpartum Abs Simplified.
Questions like..
What's included when I enroll?
I have no time left in my day. How long does this take?
What if I struggle with commitment?
How is this program different than all the other programs out there?
and more...
If you are finally ready to get rid of the mommy tummy and do something good for yourself, something that will help you feel like you again, then join me and other motivated mamas who are ready to lose the pooch after pregnancy. Your postpartum abs are just 70 days away. Join Postpartum Abs Simplified and save $100 off for a limited time (plus you'll receive exclusive bonuses such as 4 FREE coaching calls with me, Dr. Jena).
👉 If you happened to have missed the previous episodes in this Postpartum Abs podcast series, it's ok! You can go back and listen to them here:
Episode 19.1 // Getting Started With Your First Postpartum Workout: The Simple Way Without All The Fluff
Episode 19.2 // What You Should NOT Be Doing When It Comes To Postpartum Ab Exercises
Episode 19.3 // The One Question Everyone Asks A Mom of 4
Episode 19.4 // Don’t Miss the Easiest And Safest Way To Restore Your Core After Pregnancy
Episode 19.5 // Ask Dr. Jena! Questions From Postpartum Moms On How To Lose The Postpartum Pooch
This series is a sneak peak into my signature program Postpartum Abs Simplified. A program to help you finally get your confidence back and restore your core strength in less than 10 minutes a day!
This is the only postpartum ab course created by a physical therapist and created specifically for the busy mom.
>> Click here to find out more about Postpartum Abs Simplified -- and save $100 while you still can.
⭐️ PLUS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY (until August 14th) I’ll HAVE SPECIAL FLASH SALE BONUSES (worth over $800) ⭐️
- 4 Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Jena over Zoom with Q&A
- Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins
- Kindred Bravely 15% discount promo code unlimited
- The Ultimate Total Body Workout
- Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course
I'm so excited for you to finally get rid of the postpartum pooch and to help you along your postpartum fitness journey. Join Postpartum Abs Simplified here. Let’s do this!
Keep Smiling,
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.
![19.4 // Don’t Miss the Easiest and Safest Way to Restore Your Core after Pregnancy [Postpartum Abs Series]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/16219753/The_Fit_Postpartum_MomPodcast_Cover101024_z27gng_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Why do so many moms struggle with committing to a postpartum workout program?
Because it sets them up for failure from the get-go. The workouts are too hard. Rather than the workouts giving you positive reinforcement to come back the next day, they give you negative reinforcement and slap you with extreme muscle soreness afterwards.
This episode gives you a sneak peak into all the modules and bonuses from my signature program, Postpartum Abs Simplified. And guess what? For just a limited time, you can enroll and save $100 off. This special pricing, and lots of extra bonuses, are only good until August 14th!
So what do you get when you join PAS? Let's take a look inside:
Module 1: Core Activation
- the anatomy of the core
- understand the Pyramid Method
- and learn how to implement this method properly for the quickest and easiest core recovery at the beginning stages of healing.
Module 2: Healthy Habits
We talk all things:
- posture
- sleep routines
- mama healthy hacks
- and so much more
Module 3: Maintenance Mindset
You’ll learn expert techniques for:
- goal setting
- have access to mom- specific mindset affirmations
- and get an in depth look into my super power: schedules and routines!
This, this is what gives you more time. And you only need 10 minutes a day. I’ll make that happen for you.
Module 4 Weekly Workouts
This right here is the meat and potatoes of this course. You want easy-to-follow workouts that take the thinking out of it all? You’ve got it. Pretend like you have your own personal Physical Therapist right inside your home giving you a private lesson.
Module 5: Ab Acceleration
Learn my advanced ab exercises and accelerate quickly through the final module which will ultimately lead you to having full clearance to do any ab workout imaginable. Get those skinny jeans ready because you’re about to be blown away with your results
- Support + Accountability ( With Access to the Private Student Facebook Community)
- Cheat Sheets, Calendars, Printables and PAS Workbook
- BONUSES: $100 off, 4 Group Coaching calls with Dr. Jena, email accountability check-in emails weekly, The Ultimate Total Body Workout collection, The Restore Your Pelvic Floor mini course and Kindred Bravely 15% off promo code unlimited - all which go away on August 14th at midnight!
👉 Join me every day this week as I release a new episode in this Postpartum Abs 101 podcast series.
Episode 19.1 // Getting Started With Your First Postpartum Workout: The Simple Way Without All The Fluff
Episode 19.2 // What You Should NOT Be Doing When It Comes To Postpartum Ab Exercises
Episode 19.3 // The One Question Everyone Asks A Mom of 4
Episode 19.4 // Don’t Miss the Easiest And Safest Way To Restore Your Core After Pregnancy
Episode 19.5 // Ask Dr. Jena! Questions From Postpartum Moms On How To Lose The Postpartum Pooch
This series is a sneak peak into my signature program Postpartum Abs Simplified. A program to help you finally get your confidence back and restore your core strength in less than 10 minutes a day!
This is the only postpartum ab course created by a physical therapist and created specifically for the busy mom.
>> Click here to find out more about Postpartum Abs Simplified -- and save $100 while you still can.
⭐️ PLUS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY (until August 14) I’ll HAVE SPECIAL FLASH SALE BONUSES (worth over $800) ⭐️
- 4 Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Jena over Zoom with Q&A
- Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins
- Kindred Bravely 15% discount promo code unlimited
- The Ultimate Total Body Workout
- Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course
I'm so excited for you to finally get rid of the postpartum pooch and to help you along your postpartum fitness journey. Join Postpartum Abs Simplified here. Let’s do this!
Keep Smiling,
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.
![19.3 // The One Question Everyone Asks Me as a Mom of 4 [Postpartum Abs Series]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/16219753/The_Fit_Postpartum_MomPodcast_Cover101024_z27gng_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
19.3 // The One Question Everyone Asks Me as a Mom of 4 [Postpartum Abs Series]
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
“How did you get such a flat stomach after having 4 babies?”
And I never hesitate with my answer:
Doing my deep inner core exercises that I learned in PT school.
I knew when I reestablished the muscles in my core region, they would naturally eat away at my belly fat that was left over after pregnancy.
That’s the beauty of how our bodies were designed.
Developing lean, toned muscle mass helps to improve our resting metabolism, thus reducing our fat and helping keep us slim. And this is all done while at rest. Our body works in our favor if we work in its favor first.
This can all be done in my program that is simple, slow and steady, and methodical.
👉 Join me every day this week as I release a new episode in this Postpartum Abs podcast series.
Episode 19.1 // Getting Started With Your First Postpartum Workout: The Simple Way Without All The Fluff
Episode 19.2 // What You Should NOT Be Doing When It Comes To Postpartum Ab Exercises
Episode 19.3 // The One Question Everyone Asks A Mom of 4
Episode 19.4 // Don’t Miss the Easiest And Safest Way To Restore Your Core After Pregnancy
Episode 19.5 // Ask Dr. Jena! Questions From Postpartum Moms On How To Lose The Postpartum Pooch
This series is a sneak peak into my signature program Postpartum Abs Simplified. A program to help you finally get your confidence back and restore your core strength in less than 10 minutes a day!
This is the only postpartum ab course created by a physical therapist and created specifically for the busy mom.
>> Click here to find out more about Postpartum Abs Simplified -- and save $100 while you still can.
⭐️ PLUS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY (until August 14th) I’ll HAVE SPECIAL FLASH SALE BONUSES (worth over $800) ⭐️
- 4 Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Jena over Zoom with Q&A
- Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins
- Kindred Bravely 15% discount promo code unlimited
- The Ultimate Total Body Workout
- Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course
I'm so excited for you to finally get rid of the postpartum pooch and to help you along your postpartum fitness journey. Join Postpartum Abs Simplified here. Let’s do this!
Keep Smiling,
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.
![19.2 // What You Should NOT be Doing When it Comes to Postpartum Ab Exercises [Postpartum Abs Series]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/16219753/The_Fit_Postpartum_MomPodcast_Cover101024_z27gng_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
I honestly believe that a specialist and a credentialed professional should be the only person you follow when it comes to getting advice on your body and your health. Why? Because when it comes to the depths of our body, there are so many factors that play off one another. It’s a dangerous and slippery slope you could be entering when following someone who is not qualified.
Would you want to see a dermatologist to treat your eczema and the vision loss that you have been experiencing lately? I mean, you’re already going there, so why not ask the doctor about both, right?
Nope! No way would you ask your dermatologist to do an eye exam.
You want to see your dermatologist for only the eczema and then see your eye doctor for a new prescription for your eyeglasses.
Well, the same goes for me. I am your “go-to girl” for all things core strengthening. It’s my passion. It’s been my passion since I was 15 when I started working out my abs for the first time following workout videos on who knows what TV channels.
You found me because I’m the postpartum ab mom who has gone through it 4 times herself and is a licensed and trained professional.
I want you to have the best quality of care, and I know that with the coaching services I provide within my course Postpartum Abs Simplified, you get the personalized care that you need and deserve as you navigate this stage of healing.
Visit Postpartum Abs Simplified to learn how I use my clinical skills to repair your abs using my step-by-step ab program that is specifically designed to be simple yet highly successful.
👉 Join me every day this week as I release a new episode in this Postpartum Abs podcast series.
Episode 19.1 // Getting Started With Your First Postpartum Workout: The Simple Way Without All The Fluff
Episode 19.2 // What You Should NOT Be Doing When It Comes To Postpartum Ab Exercises
Episode 19.3 // The One Question Everyone Asks A Mom of 4
Episode 19.4 // Don’t Miss the Easiest And Safest Way To Restore Your Core After Pregnancy
Episode 19.5 // Ask Dr. Jena! Questions From Postpartum Moms On How To Lose The Postpartum Pooch
This series is a sneak peak into my signature program Postpartum Abs Simplified. A program to help you finally get your confidence back and restore your core strength in less than 10 minutes a day!
This is the only postpartum ab course created by a physical therapist and created specifically for the busy mom.
>> Click here to find out more about Postpartum Abs Simplified -- and save $100 while you still can.
⭐️ PLUS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY (until August 14th) I’ll HAVE SPECIAL FLASH SALE BONUSES (worth over $800) ⭐️
- 4 Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Jena over Zoom with Q&A
- Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins
- Kindred Bravely 15% discount promo code unlimited
- The Ultimate Total Body Workout
- Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course
I'm so excited for you to finally get rid of the postpartum pooch and to help you along your postpartum fitness journey. Join Postpartum Abs Simplified here. Let’s do this!
Keep Smiling,
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.
![19.1 // Getting Started with Your First Postpartum Workout: The Simple Way without All the Fluff [Postpartum Abs Series]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/16219753/The_Fit_Postpartum_MomPodcast_Cover101024_z27gng_300x300.jpg)
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Imagine, as a postpartum mom, you're able to fit into your favorite pair of jeans you wore before baby
It may be hard to imagine but, yes, it is possible to fit into those pre-pregnancy jeans again! And I want to guide you through it in a simple yet effective way that focuses on inner core strength. A way that I have perfected as a physical therapist and taught postpartum moms time and time again.
It wasn't always easy for me though. When I had my first baby, I didn’t know what to do for my postpartum workouts. I felt clueless actually.
There was a lot of trial and error; it took many months to get my body back to feeling strong and, honestly, I didn’t feel “normal” for a while.
Not feeling like myself because I had the mommy pooch really put a huge damper on the whole mommy thing. It felt like the postpartum pooch that was attached to me was like a heavy cloud following me around everywhere dragging me down.
So I did something about it and started doing exercises consistently. I followed a routine, making gradual progressions every day I exercised while challenging myself in a healthy/safe way using my physical therapy background as a guide to repairing my abs and, eventually, my confidence.
I want this for you too! And I want to share with you the tools to get you to feeling like yourself again as a postpartum momma.
👉 Starting today at 2pm EST, I have a live FREE training detailing the steps you can take today to get your belly back into shape. You can access this training at www.livecorestrong.com/training
👉 Plus, join me every day this week as I release a new episode in this Postpartum Ab series.
Episode 19.1 // Getting Started With Your First Postpartum Workout: The Simple Way Without All The Fluff
Episode 19.2 // What You Should NOT Be Doing When It Comes To Postpartum Ab Exercises
Episode 19.3 // The One Question Everyone Asks A Mom of 4
Episode 19.4 // Don’t Miss the Easiest And Safest Way To Restore Your Core After Pregnancy
Episode 19.5 // Ask Dr. Jena! Questions From Postpartum Moms On How To Lose The Postpartum Pooch
This series is a sneak peak into my signature program Postpartum Abs Simplified. A program to help you finally get your confidence back and restore your core strength in less than 10 minutes a day!
This is the only postpartum ab course created by a physical therapist and created specifically for the busy mom.
>> Click here to find out more about Postpartum Abs Simplified -- and save $100 while you still can.
⭐️ PLUS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY (until August 14th) I’ll HAVE SPECIAL FLASH SALE BONUSES (worth over $800) ⭐️
- 4 Group Coaching Sessions with Dr. Jena over Zoom with Q&A
- Weekly Personal Accountability Email Check-Ins
- Kindred Bravely 15% discount promo code (unlimited)
- The Ultimate Total Body Workout
- Restore Your Pelvic Floor Mini Course
I'm so excited for you to finally get rid of the postpartum pooch and to help you along your postpartum fitness journey. Join Postpartum Abs Simplified here. Let’s do this!
Keep Smiling,
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
In this week's episode, I touch on 5 major tips to get you out of the mommy tummy funk and onto your way to a flatter belly and stronger postpartum core.
It may sound hard considering all your body has been through with pregnancy and labor. But getting rid of the mommy tummy is not impossible!
Let's get started today!
And if you are really serious about losing the postpartum pooch, then join the FREE LIVE training I'm doing on Monday, August 7th at 2PM EST where you will learn how to safely start postpartum ab exercises in less than 2 minutes a day. Plus you'll get an opportunity to ask me anything in the live Q&A. Save your seat to my training: Postpartum Abs 101.
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Does this sound like you?
You just had a baby and now you are itching to move around and do something. Anything that might increase your heart rate. However, you are still within the 6 week postpartum wait time.
If this is you, then listen along to this episode as I provide 4 great exercises you can start today to maintain your health during the 6 week postpartum wait!
Remember to listen to your body, modify as needed, and consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine.
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Postpartum can be tricky to navigate. It’s different for every woman and can be different for every pregnancy.
On top of caring for a new baby, there are a lot of expectations of what your postpartum belly should look like that might be swirling around your mind.
But, that’s why I’m here to help you! To get you on the right track to saying goodbye to that postpartum belly.
In this episode I’m giving you my top 10 tips to get you on your way to a flat stomach!
Safe physical therapy postpartum exercises are in this free training:
Keep Smiling,
30-Day Postpartum Ab Workout Challenge + Calendar:
10 Things To Do For A Flat Postpartum Belly Guide:
Postpartum Abs 101: How To Safely Start Postpartum Ab Exercises In Less Than 2 Minutes A Day:
Join the FREE FB Community For Fitness Focused Moms and get daily accountability and encouragement!
Read The Blog:
Interested in private coaching and individualized accountability from Dr. Jena? Learn more here:
Get Dr. Jena’s eBook Postpartum Ab Rehab
Join The Program! Enroll in Postpartum Abs Simplified: From Flabby Pooch To Flat Abs In The Next 70 Days. Easy. Simple. Safe.
**Quick disclaimer: Nothing I share should be considered medical advice and I am not your medical provider. Anything mentioned is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, please seek the care of your medical provider.
I share the strategies that have worked for me and you are encouraged to do your own research and speak to your own medical provider for further care.
Also keep in mind it is important to always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program and get medical clearance.
Dr. Jena Bradley and Jena Bradley, LLC will not be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at home, gym or elsewhere. Perform exercises at your own risk.

About Dr. Jena
Most new moms struggle to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Jena Bradley, a physical therapist and mom of 4, helps moms feel empowered to live that “fit-mom” lifestyle easily amongst the chaos of motherhood so they feel confident and strong in their own skin. Dr. Jena Bradley’s expertise is shared through her blog and YouTube channel, Live Core Strong. And now she has a new podcast, The Fit Postpartum Mom, where she teaches quick workouts for busy new moms, with an emphasis on core strengthening first before all else. She’s most known for her superpower, scheduling and routines. She juggles life with her 4 littles, volunteers at her church in the women’s and children’s ministry and continues to work as a physical therapist while running an Airbnb on the side. She does all this while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and growing her own online business. If you want to stay motivated, Dr. Jena will surely help you reach your fitness goals faster all while being a busy mom.